Kmc4CRP3 Agenda

From kmc4crps ilriwikis

KMC4CRP3: Designing KM and Comms for the new CRPs DRAFT AGENDA 24-28 May 2015 ILRI Info Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Days 0, 1 - 2: Agknowledge Innovation Process Share Fair and CGIAR KMC meetings

All meetings in the infocentre

Day 0: Sunday 24 May - CCAFS and WLE discussions (own agenda) Day 1: Monday 25 May - see agenda Day 2: Tuesday 26 May - see agenda Day 3: Wednesday 27 May - see below Day 4: Thursday 28 May - writeshop

Day 3

0830: Plenary session for all CRP comms and KM staff

  • GCARD engagement process (Nadia Manning);
  • Update on the C4D steering committee meeting that was organized by FAO (Andrea Gros);
  • ShareFair immediate reflections

0930: WLE side session 0930: CCAFS side session 0930: Other participants open space 1300: Lunch 1400: Writeshop side session (agenda below) 1400: other side sessions 1700: Close
