KM4CRPs 2 Agenda

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KM4CRPs Agenda

Return to the event home page for more background information - see the list of participants This event was particularly focused on the following two CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs): a) Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and Water Land and Ecosystems (WLE).

Time Day1 - Wednesday 4 December 2013 Day 2 - Thursday 5 December 2013 Day 3 - Friday 6 December 2013

Individual CRP meetings CCAFS session in Infocenter garden
WLE in Infocenter meeting room

Session 1: Setting the stage

Fishbowl discussion addressing:
* Reflection on last year (see this presentation by Michael Victor about kmc4CRP1/spanbr span styleline-height: 1.5Workshop rationale and objectives/spanbr span styleline-height: 1.5Introductions /spanbr span styleline-height: 1.5Understanding KM-Communication what are we talking about /spanbrbrParticipants were also asked to write on cards any topic/ tool/ approach etcl they would like to present during the workshop
Re-cap from Day 1 and lessons from USAID ATM back to the group span styleline-height: 1.510 min/spanbr----brbrspan styledisplay: block text-align: centerspan stylecolor: 008080Session 4: Mapping existing KM-Comms approaches onto Impact Pathways/span/spanspan styledisplay: block text-align: centerspan stylecolor: 800000Individual CRP meetings/span/spanbrbrspan stylebackground-color: ffffff color: 222222 line-height: 1.5CRP groups work on drafting an example of Comms/KM plan for an impact pathway thinking about:/spanbr span stylecolor: 222222 line-height: 19pxWhat to do to support outputs/spanbr span stylecolor: 222222 line-height: 19pxWhat to do to support outputs to outcomes/spanbr span stylecolor: 222222 line-height: 19pxWhat to do to support outcomes to impact/spanbr span stylecolor: 222222 line-height: 19pxHow to fit the communication plan to support the impact pathway/spanbrbrspan stylecolor: 222222 line-height: 19pxThe following groups worked:/spanbr Livestock Fish exploration no real work as not done with core LF teambr CCAFSbr WLEbr span styleline-height: 1.5 WLE Group 1: Global/spanbr span styleline-height: 1.5WLE Group 2: West Africa/spanbr span styleline-height: 1.5 WLE Group 3: Land Degradation /spanbr span styleline-height: 1.5WLE Group 4: Information Systems /spanword doc. Re-cap and highlights from Individual CRP meetingsbr----brbrspan styledisplay: block text-align: centerspan stylecolor: 008080Session 7: Responding to the demand and Innovating our work/span/spanbrPresentation by span stylebackground-color: ffffff color: 222222 font-family: arialsans-serif line-height: 1.5Abby and Cecilia on Gender sensitive communication see notes below. /spanbrspan stylebackground-color: ffffff color: 222222 font-family: arialsans-serif line-height: 1.5See presentation Abby and Cecilia upcoming/spanbrbrThis session was followed by bspan styleline-height: 1.5reakout groups on tools:/spanbr span styleline-height: 1.5 Infographics
* Policy Communications (see notes below)
* Social media outreach
* Webinars/Live streaming (see results below)
10:30-11:00 Break Break Break
11:00 CPWF experiences in using comms/km in R4D setting to generate impact] [Miguel Saravia]

Bus stop discussion for each CRP (CCAFS, WLE, AAS, A4NH, L&F, RTB) to cover 'What Comms/KM is offered in CRPs?'
* How is Comms/KM set up in CRPS?
* What roles do people play? what functions are covered?
* What tools, approaches, systems are being used?

This group discussion was followed by a plenary discussion on observations. Participants were asked to write any challenges experienced in doing KMC for CRPs on cards
Session 4: Mapping existing KM-Comms approaches onto Impact Pathways...continued
Report back from group work to reflect on activities and share ideas / open discussion around these guiding questions:
* Do things we currently do work for this new demand? If so then which Km-Comms approaches? Can they be used as usual or do they need to be adapted?
* How do we let scientists know what we can and cannot offer, and start working together on KM-Comms contributions to Impact Pathways?

Individual CRP meetings
WLE Blog
1:00- 2p.m Lunch (with USAID workshop participants) Lunch (with USAID workshop participants) Lunch (with USAID workshop participants)
Session 3: Understanding the ‘new’ context: A focus on Impact Pathways
Plenary presentations
* Developing a collective understanding of the ‘new’ context (ToC, IDOs, CRPs, Impact Pathways, etc). See presentation by Christine Jost./spanbr span styleline-height: 1.5Application of KM and communication to the impact pathway of the Roots Tubers and Bananas RTB CRP. Listen to the podcast file by Simone Staiger and Sophie Alvarez./spanbrbrspan styleline-height: 1.5The presentations were followed by a world cafe discussion showing real applications/examples/practices of how KM comms is being used and integrated into CRP impact pathways./spanbrspan styleline-height: 1.5Examples mentioned were from:/spanbr IWMI / WLE Thor Windham-Wrightbr CCAFS Christine Jostbr ILRI Comms and KM theory of change and impact pathway Ewen Le Borgnebr Aquatic Agricultural Systems [AAS ]Orko Ahmedbr RTB Simone Staiger / Sophie Alvarez via SkypebrParticipants got two rounds of 20 to attend these discussions.
ecosystem services game] see notes from peer assist/spanbr span styleline-height: 1.5Sekou Toure / Jose Urrea on communicating with multiple languages and illiteracy/spanbr/span span styledisplay: block text-align: centerbr/spanspan styledisplay: block text-align: centerspan stylecolor: 800000Individual CRP meetings... continued/span/spanbr span styleline-height: 1.5CCAFS/spanbr span styleline-height: 1.5WLE/spanbr span styleline-height: 1.5 KMC Unique Selling Point for Impact Pathways
3:30-4:00 Break Break Break
Agricultural Technology Marketplace

KMC4CRP participants were invited to join participants from the USAID MEETING on scaling science in this marketplace to network, hold a stand about some scaling up experiences, present posters

Individual CRP meetings

* CCAFS: priorities for 2014
* Water Land and Ecosystems

Session 8: Looking at the way forward
Plenary discussion
* How can/should this group continue?
* How can sharing and support best be achieved?
Evening event USAID & KM4CRPS joint evening event KM-Comms 'social' learning
Sharing/learning from experiences on using some key tools
[People to put forward things they can share on or things they would like to learn about]
Join the Mesheta (traditional drinks / food / music / dance) evening at the Zebu club.

More information about facilitation methods as used in this meeting in the Knowledge Sharing Toolkit.

Meeting notes

Peer assists

Peer assist by Orku on setting up local platforms This was based on the draft concept note prepared by Orku. Biggest challenge: making it sustainable. At the end of project the platforms disappear. It will not be an AAS platform but a place where everyone feels equal ownership etc.

How to start the conversation with partners so they’re engage with the same mindset? A big component of that is that there are a lot of projects replicating work. This would be a significant project to hold discussions, to store knowledge of all people. Another aspect is to use it for scaling up. In AAS we talk about PAR, gender transformative approaches etc. We started off with 20 partners and many of them mentioned the issue of sustainability.

Peer assistee question: - How to present it to the partners in a way that they’re interested in it equitably and sustainably; Clarification question: - Why would people come to your platform? à We’re early in the community demand creation. - Has there been a platform in this particular area? à Many (100’s) in different forms etc., using gov’t facilities etc. - Is there any platform that is currently running? à Yes but accessibility to those? - Are you talking about a f2f platform or a software? à Any of these. Websites, institutions etc. - Do you have sthg unique to offer? à I’m asking for this - What is the problem you’re trying to solve? à Avoiding replication of experiences and duplication + no institutional memory from these projects. We want to use this platform to share our philosophy. - Do you need someone to facilitate à I wonder. - Have you identified with community members what their problem really is and what they would find useful? à No because of the political problems in the country. - Who is driving this? à AAS is triggering this but we want vested interests from all others… We don’t want to own it. - What themes are you focusing on? à AAS research themes around aquatic systems. - Have you identified previous initiatives, platforms etc. that could be useful? à We have a list of platforms but the value of these (all were web-based) is not clear. - Difference of language, what are you talking about? à dialects. In Khulna, 2-3 major dialects. - Do you want this platform to be useful to people outside Khulna or not? à We want to contextualize our content with dialect-driven focus. - Do you have resources for this? à For year 1 we have budget. - Have you done a needs assessment? à Yes, with our partners.

Suggestions: - Set up a production company and run a radio show and find sponsors for the show. Perhaps 3 shows a week. The show becomes a talking point and in every household/community you could add on a road show. The company could do some commercials, you end up with a self-sustaining enterprise which can make enough programs to be self-sustainable. You can track phone-in use etc. and you start building a picture of who knows what where etc. Then you can find out if you want to do a vox pop, field feature, video interview etc. every week slightly different. Find where people are meeting already. Use the radio show as the platform. The content makes it a success. - In terms of assessing the demand, if you want to learn the priorities of the communities, go where they are. Especially gender plays a role in these platforms which prevent them from taking part. How can you make sense of this. - Organise an event with the communities from that area together with members of other communities. Identify innovation hubs that can help you with non web-based approaches – to identify what they really learnt from these previous platforms and attempts to map their information needs and the information they use. - Target a policy that monitors all the research that’s been done. The policy could include a clause about requiring looking back at projects. à We could get into policy dialogue but it could be a very long road.

Peer assistee question: How to facilitate effective communities of practice across the CGIAR?

Clarification questions:


Peer assist feedback - see the video about the methodology.

Highlight one suggestion that really stuck:

  • Orku (knowledge sharing platforms): Don't do it, just make it profit-driven (radio show).
  • Sekou (working with multiple languages): Make packages of messages, suggestions, infographics, pictures etc. to send to partners to better communicate with our targets in our countries.
  • Alexa (running a CoP): Setting milestones, ask participants to create the agenda.
  • Camilla (proof of concept video game): Turn it back the other way around e.g. a board game (repurposed) + have deeper impact rather than wider impact, i.e. driving people towards specific outputs.
  • Michael (Improving internal cooperation): document management, improve workflow and provide guidelines with support from management team.

Vanessa: I really appreciated hearing Michael's case and peer assists are a very fresh way to approach challenges. Martina: Great to get people involved about a CoP across CRPs. Veronique: (multiple languages). Many ideas came up and Thomas has work experience with it. Radio listener groups are a great example.

Gender-sensitive communication

Presentation by Abby Waldorf (WLE) and Cecilia Schubert (CCAFS).

  • Use voices and visuals with both men and women etc.
  • Use captions to give some context (or change it to convey your message ;)
  • Think about your audience because everyone might have a different perspective. Pay attention to cultural / social norms.
  • Avoid tokenism - bring e.g. women when/where it makes sense, not just because you try to achieve e.g. gender balance.
  • Focus on 'unlocking the potential of gender' to achieve e.g. CGIAR's system level outcomes.
  • How to have a gender balance in e.g. workshops? Farah Khan (CPWF Ganges Basin Development Challenge) mentioned the use of creches and activities for kids with nannies around to ensure participation of women.
  • Gender is about social interactions with given cultural contexts. Think about a wider context.
  • 'Plug it' in there. Use it when it makes sense.
  • The point is to target vulnerable groups (e.g. women, other groups)...
  • Should we not stop talking about gender since we're talking about many other groups?
  • In most CRP discussions about impact pathways, gender didn't come up.

Hands-on tool sessions

Webinars (C. Schubert, CCAFS)

  • 7 webinars done with Bamboozer (now a pay-for solution), around the world, totally open just opening the web page. 30' presentations, 30' Q&A. With a moderator introducing the presentation. 28' presentation. Someone from the audience keeping time and at the end the audience is invited to ask questions. The moderator closes the session.
  • 6000 views, 300 live audience members.
  • How do you feed questions? --> through chat, forwarded on Skype to . Always one person animating the chat.
  • One woman in the chat is on skype and sees what questions are selected for her. Cecilia raises her hand and introduces the question.
  • Do you have a company who sets up the room etc.? --> If you want to do it you should really hire professionals. You need at least 2 cameras (presentation and presenter). We have 2 and the start-up company in Sweden doing this is cheap. They bring mics for everyone (mosquitoes ear-round).
  • With the moderator we prepare a speech.
  • The day before we always do tests.
  • On average we get about 500 views.
  • We use cameras to focus on the presenter, presentation, audience alternatively.
  • We try and do live tweeting at the same time. Working with WLE was great as we ended up with 3 active Twitter accounts...
  • We have a video seminar sign-up list with 600 subscribers at the moment and we put the seminars on YouTube (get extra views) + on Bamboozer channel. YouTube has now a livestream channel but no chat option so that's not good enough.
  • Sound-wise it's crucial to have technicians at hand.
  • We start planning 3 months ahead.
  • Next year we want to be more strategic in terms of what we do (e.g. IPCC discussion in April) and streaming from not lecture halls etc. rather use large stages etc. using 2 speakers.
  • We did once a 2.5h seminar with 800 live viewers (on climate change and human rights).
  • We want to feature our science in a more approachable manner.
  • Q: How much are you paying for each of these webinars?

A: USD 3000.(including editing for YouTube afterwards etc.)

  • First year we did 4, this year we did one main one early in the year and then 3 in a suite, next year we want to organise this.
  • Next year we want to partner with good presenters.
  • Q: How do you select the presenters?

Going forward that's sthg we want to talk about. Since the topic is CCAFS science it's ok that they're totally in their content.

  • Q: How do you promote these seminars?

Through Facebook push (last time) USD 40 to reach 400 people. It seemed to have had a small effect but not sure. Through 4 CG lists Climate Al Videostream mailchimp list ICRAF, KIT, ILRI help promoting sometimes... Ask presenters who would be interested in the topic.

  • Q: Do you have copyright issues with online materials?

A: No, not really. But it could be a very laborious check on journal copyright issues...

On this topic, see also the ILRI seminar checklist (to organise a seminar).

Communicating to policymakers (Michael Victor, WLE)

  • Triangle for impact: trust, science, and engagement
  • the big picture matters
  • most decision makers are not interested in the statistics but the change
  • “should” questions are good for policy makers—understand what questions they have, mandates & priorities. Should we do X, or should we do Y? Rather than presenting recommendations—formulate recommendations around should questions from policymakers
  • Understanding what national policies and priorities are
  • messengers regularly explaining science to policy makers; trusted sources of information
  • Who are the messengers may be more important than the message. Like your message, but let others tell it
  • How do you establish yourself as a trusted source? Building relationships; getting the right people into the right positions
  • Both informal and formal mechanisms. Find partners that have formal mandates and relationships with governments

e.g. CGIAR advisory committee in Bangladesh e.g. working with a network of trusted NGOs * Ministers ' take advantage of existing events such as dinners ' in flight pieces ' get to know personal assistants ' golf courses

  • Members of parliament

short issue papers, policy papers committees events field visits/demonstration sites

  • Technocrats

§visits/demonstration sites §pieces in their technical journals §get on agenda of their meetings

  • oReligious and traditional leaders
  • oDistrict level officials

§community radio §getting a place on their agenda

  • oExtension agents
  • Political influence versus policy influence. Understand the difference between the channels that have influence
  • Scientists need to understand the diversity of communications channels and tools. Switch from view of ‘support service’ communication to communication for program impact